Monday 23 November 2015

Tammie Hawkins: The Finishing Touches

Tammie Hawkins has learned that the finishing touches of any event are almost as important as getting the planning stages completely correctly. It’s the little things that matter and they can play a large part in how attendees remember the event once it has concluded.

Ensuring that the venue used for the event is presented well is important. This means checking that there are no loose cables or hanging threads that compromise the atmosphere that the event is intended to create. Once the set-up has been completed, it is important to go through all of it with a fine-toothed comb to ensure that there is nothing out of place.

Tammie Hawkins

Gift packs are also an interesting touch that many people may want to consider. Offering a small bag filled with goods at the end of the event ensures that the attendees leave in a good mood. Better yet, if it is a corporate event you can use them for promotional purposes by branding the items with your company information.

Furthermore, you should also consider scents in addition to sights and sounds. The sense of smell is incredibly powerful, so pungent aromas are to be avoided. No matter how good the event looks, if there are odd smells wafting into the room, a lot of people are going to focus on that rather than the event itself. Do a “sniff” test to check for any stray aromas and trace them to their origin to resolve the issue.

As President of Hawkins Events, LLC, Tammie has worked on a range of event management projects and brings practical experience to every client.